Tuesday, October 26, 2010


1.   I think I will be best at finding online resources for teachers and developing innovative classroom lessons using technology (with a group/partner). But I am not a good fit for teaching teacher and students to use technology and software; but I think I can teach google docs to teachers and teaching video creation and editing techniques because I'm not very good with editing videos.
-  Creativity- 6   I'm not very creative
-  Responsibility- 9   I take responsibility of what is given to me
-  Web design- 6   I'm not very familiar with web designing
-  Developing action plans- 7   I think I can come up with some ideas of how to incorporate technology into projects and lessons, but not very detailed and creative
-  Teaching other people- 6  I'm very bad at explaining and I don't think I would be able to explain clearly
-  Meeting deadlines- 9   I'm up to date with assignments and homework
3.  I'm not a leader
4.  I would prefer working in a team
5.  I want to work in geography, biology and I don't really want to work in English, history, business


Evaluating my idea

I can see this project being used within 3 months. Doing the project on technology is very good because you don't have to waste any paper and students who are familiar with technology are able to present well. It's just learning different skills on the computer and it may be beneficial to some students who develop new skills and able to do much better. It is worth pursuing, once the students learn how to use the web tools, they will start using it for other classes and more technology will be involved in the classrooms.


Friday, October 22, 2010

Enriching Technology

I was in the brainstorming group, coming up with ideas how to incorporate technology in our classrooms.
I remember in grade 9 doing a project on Canada's national park, where we had to choose one of the national park and research about it. I thought this project was really boring and pointless because it was one of those typical project where you research and put it on a bristol board and make it look nice. To make that project more fun and technology invovled:

For research, we can use Diigo to do our research which will help organize important points and put reminders if need with a sticky note.

When you are gathering the information, you can use Google docs, share it with your partner and less time taken away from sending back and forth information.

Make the presentation on the Prezi to show the important informations, their special recreation/place, and some photos that will attract/interest people to actually go. Since prezi has the function of zooming into one point to another I think it will attract the audience, able to send our your message through clearly and can do a really simple and effective presentation.

Idea: Project done with technology

Subject area: Geography class

Pros: - Less time spending on cutting papers and putting on bristol boards.
         - People who aren't good with arts don't have to suffer from doing all of the cutting and pasting, able to make good finished product on the computer.
         - No more typical make bristol board and put information on it
         - Bring on technology into the classroom
         - No paper being wasted, usually people just throw out their projects after
         - People will pay attention to the presentations
Cons: - Must need interent to access all of these informations
          - Need accounts for Diigo and Google docs
           - We don't have a good computer that will run smoothly : (

What Needs to Happen to Make the Idea Work – Who is Responsible
  1. IDC student collaborates with the teacher
  2. Train the students how to use the netbooks
  3. Train teachers and students how to use the web tools

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Saturday, October 16, 2010

Google docs

-Google docs is basically online method of storing documents. It's basically like microsoft office except you can open the documents from anywhere without sending it to yourself or saving it on your USB. It's useful for group projects, peer editing and sharing files. You don't have to worry about sending files to people to see or saving files to your USB. The link to google docs > https://docs.google.com/
-Pros- As I said before, it's an effective way to do group work since you can all edit at the same time. Peer editing will be very useful because you can see what your peer is changing and you can also chat together to ask questions and such.
Cons- You need a google account to use google docs and also you need interent to access to your files.
-Teachers can use google docs by asking students to do their work on google docs and share it with them. Teachers can also do quizzes online, this will interest students and no paper is wasted. Learning how to use google docs will allow students to work in new ways, no more worring about documents not saving and no more "I forgot my work". This will allow more uses of technology in classrooms.
- http://www.youtube.com/user/docs youtube; tutorial video on how to create new docs, presentations, forms, spreadsheets, drawings, sharing
http://www.google.com/educators/p_docs.html site for educators; overview presentation for teachers to see how they can use docs, spreadsheets etc in their classrooms, how to use, and tips.

Link to our presentation

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Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Elnstruction contest

For einstruction contest, we can divide up into groups. Groups into people who like to write lyrics and people who like to make music videos. Since we already did surveys and such to figure out how technology can be used in the classrooms and how it would be useful, we can put that into the lyrics or music video. This is good for us because we already have results and since teachers agree to learn about using technology, we can get their feedbacks.

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Futureshop contest

For futureshop contest, we can make video on how we use tehnology in our classrooms and write about the beneficials. By doing that, they will see that we use technology in our classrooms and we are able to use it effectively. By taking pictures of people teaching lesson from the smartboard and doing group work on the computer will show that our school keeps up with technology. Also making video or taking pictures of our old/bad computers will show that our computers need to be upgraded. We can write about how our school has MaCs program and a lot sciences and math teachers use the technology like smartboard during lessons.

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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Staples contest

For the staples contest, I think writing collaborative essay would be good because everyone is going to be writing about the same topic. When you're working with other people you can just gather all the ideas and make one big/good essay, instead of having 10 essays about the same idea. Some ideas that we can write about are the switch club, gardening club, and such. Switch is one of the big ones to write about because our school was very sucessful with this and we have this at our school.

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Friday, October 1, 2010

Web 2.0 individual

For individual project, I picked xtimeline. Xtimeline is basically where you create a timeline and you add events into it. When I was exploring the timelines, I found out that a lot of history teachers uses it. This allows students to just read the timeline; they don't have to look it up for themselves, it's all there. I think xtimeline is very useful for history teachers if they are willing to make a timeline and put descriptions so the students can go online and read it. The timeline is also useful for showing the students the list of due dates and assignments so they are able to keep with the due dates and know what to do.

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