Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Don Tapscott; reading response 3

One of the three important criticisms that Don Tapscott makes is multitasking. I agree with Don Tapscott, Internet allows us to multitask such as doing homework, instant messaging, facebooking, watching videos and such. Our generation is used to doing so many things at once; we are able to get things done faster and able to get a lot of things done at once. I agree with Don Tapscott with having facebook, instant message on while I'm doing my other homework or assignment. I feel more comfortable when it's there and when it's not on it bothers me and I end up logging into my MSN and facebook. I can't say I'm the best multi-tasker, but I see a lot of my friends who are able to get their work done while listening to music or around loud environment, watching videos and doing bunch of other stuff. When I start doing other stuff I get off task and can't get things done. But this is very beneficial to some teenagers who work well in these environments. 

Second criticism that he makes is that kids aren't paying attention in school. I agree with what Don Tapscott is saying, teachers should come out of their comfort zone and start teaching in new technology ways. Start listening to how student's want to learn, interact with the students and explore new ways to teach. If we change the way of learning, students will start paying attention.

Third criticism is that the kids are doing all right. People predict that if you're spending time on the computer playing video games, you'll become zombies, but that is not true. Our generation have actually improved from last generation. Some evidence shows that our generation become smart and able to work around technology.  Parents assume that we are not getting any work done on the computer and think that we're wasting time. But we are developing new skills while using technology and there's always a new thing we can learn.

Yes, I do agree with need to change “the relationship between student and teacher in the learning process”. We've been working in the traditional way for long time, it's time to change around the learning process. If results of implementing technology into the learning process turns out well, it can be incorporated into the curriculum, if not they can always switch back to the traditional way.

I think this (3rd) article has a greater understanding of technology in our generation. Don Tapscott explained all the issues that we deal with our parents all the time when using computer. They do not see the Don Tapscott's/ our view on technology. Don Tapscott understands how our generation is like and the how our future is going to be like.



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